Our 2024 Open Wild Gardens Day was a huge success!

The weather was so kind to us and every garden, large and small, was blessed with a steady and interested stream of visitors.

A huge thank you to everyone that came and made the hard work put into the preparation of the day so worthwhile.

Thanks to all the hosts who kindly opened their fascinating gardens. It’s a brave (and exhausting!) thing to do and was much appreciated by our visitors.

Thanks too to all the wonderful volunteers behind the scenes who made and/or served the delicious array of cakes and cookies, ran the plant stall and ensured that nothing ran out anywhere! You surpassed yourselves this year!

And thanks too to Wendy and Hilary, our two organisers who have been beavering away for weeks to make the day such a success.

And last but not least, thanks to all the wildlife that showed up on cue – newts, frogs, damselflies, dragonflies, a myriad of pollinator insects, swifts and countless other birds, thus proving how valuable it is to make space for wildlife in our gardens.

Open Wild Gardens Day 2024
Open Wild Gardens Day 2024
Open Wild Gardens Day 2024
Open Wild Gardens Day 2024