Present:  Ethna, Martin K/Deirdre (Deben Rotary), Jessica, Jonathan, Rita/Barbara (Churches Together), Nick (Opera September 12th), Sue O, Bernie, Greg, Tiffany, Sara, Helen, Maxine Webster, Alexis, Hilary, Jane, Carol, Pat, Stephen, Mel, Kerry, James, Deb, Pam, Peter

Apologies: Martin W, Eamonn, Catherine, Sue G, Charlie

Great Big Green Week 18-26th September Jane had attended a Climate Coalition virtual event about this.  Carol and Jane brainstormed and shared ideas with Karen in Tunstall who is looking to organise an event and we wondered if we could join up somehow.  Proposal Sat 18th September try and persuade Woodbridge Town Council to have a car free day and have food stalls (supporting the local food project see below), do the family friendly cycling route around the town being organised by Martin W.  Karen in Tunstall is doing events on 18th September so suggest a bike ride to those who want to do it independently to Tunstall for tea and cakes and visit Tunstall’s stalls.

Simultaneously Barbara had approached us with Churches Together who want to do something about Climate Change at Kingston Fields possibly on Sunday 19th September.  Discussed various options – bike route, link in with apple picking with smoothie bike, Gary’s bike, link with Nick’s Magic Flute opera the previous week at Elmhurst Park with fancy dress recycled costumes.  Working party of Nick, Tiffany, Hilary, Stephen, Ethna, Jane, Barbara, Rita, (possibly Diane and Rachel from Churches Together) to take further.

Local Food Project

Carol, Jonathan, Helen and Pam had been working on this since the new year.  Jonathan had collated their info from Producers within 21 miles, retailers and restaurants in Woodbridge and Melton on a spreadsheet.  Dan working on the leaflet which is being funded by Woodbridge Town Council and Melton Parish Council with the idea it will be posted to every house in both towns with more for places like the library, tourist areas, etc.  We will need volunteers to help post.

Woodbridge Dementia Project

Transition Woodbridge were advising on planting for this project with the Dementia group in Elmhurst Park subject to approval from Woodbridge Town Council.  Carol had been along to help decide on possible sites to plant up.


Peter James was organising some picks in Melton during the Great British Spring Clean 4th June Melton Riverside, 9th Hall Farm Rec, 13th Melton Playing Fields.  Contact Melton Parish Council for more info or us and we can direct you further.  David A might be organising a pick in Woodbridge.  Jason Alexander of Rubbish Walks will be doing his usual last Sunday of the month pick in Woodbridge from the Tea Hut.


Tiffany had spoken to Charlie who had been leading this in the past and thought that it needed a bag amnesty.  She thought the labels needed to be much bigger.  Hilary to contact about screen printing.    She knew of some army surplus that could be quickly sewn to make bags.  Perhaps contact sewers and see if they are up for making them.  Launch in September Big Green Week.  Gives time to prepare and arrange handover from Charlie.

Wildflower Verges/Ecology Surveys

Jane reported that Lime Kiln Quay, Hillyfields and Through Duncans that Transition have planted up are all on the East Suffolk Council Pardon the Weeds, we’re feeding the bees scheme with yellow signs.  This means they will have a different mowing regime, once at beginning and second at end of year allowing the flowers to grow.  Jane with neighbours, Charlie with neighbours and Andy with neighbours will be monitoring what comes up and recording it to try to show increase in plant biodiversity; also in insect/wildlife diversity.    Please report any sightings to Transition email so we can record it if you are passing by and spot something.  Pam asked about monitoring the cemetery which also has an ESC sign and Jane suggested she do so and report into ESC or via Transition.     East Suffolk are thinking of monitoring for the same reasons and Jane has encouraged Woodbridge Town Council at the last Climate and Ecological Emergency Committee to do the same in on its land.  Carol reminded everyone that Transition people had helped plant the wildflower patch of Elmhurst Park so again to report sightings to the Town Clerk.  Please can people also send via email or Fb to East Suffolk Council/Woodbridge Town Council/Melton Parish Council if you particularly like the wildflowers…..they need supportive messages to counter the negative stuff that gets sent.

Transition will be getting funding from ESC to source seeds for isolated individuals to sow through the Good Neighbours Scheme in Melton and other parishes in East Suffolk.   It is envisaged these sites will be planted in the autumn and then added to ESC’s Pardon the weeds list of sites in February next year.    Contact us if you have any sites in mind for planting up around the towns.

We had no time to discuss Peppy’s concerns about the mowing by the Environment Agency of the riverbank between Deben Yacht Club and Kyson Point.    She was concerned that insect pupae and caterpillars may have been destroyed by this action.   She is going to complain to the Environment Agency through their website and attach a picture, but anyone else who is aware of this problem, please take a photo and send into the EA.

Peter mentioned that Cllr Deborah Darby is looking at creating green spaces at Hall Farm Recreation area where we have already planted trees and an area in St Andrews Place.

Great Blakenham Incinerator Virtual Visit

If you would like to join in this, please let Carol know which day of the week is best for you so that she can arrange the virtual visit or email