Woodbridge Library Edible Garden Project

In the spring of 2015 the Woodbridge Library Edible Garden Project began after a successful application by members of Woodbridge W.I for a grant awarded by the National Federation of Women’s Institutes for a community garden. The application had the full support of the Library management and also the Friends of Woodbridge Library (FOWL). The WI group planned to join forces with ‘green fingered’ members of Woodbridge in Bloom and Transition Woodbridge to transform the area outside the library into a garden of fruit, vegetables, herbs and edible flowers for people to pick to eat when they visit the library.

Since then the garden has been maintained by mainly Transition Woodbridge members and has been planted up each spring and autumn for the coming months with plants that will be productive over a few weeks so that there is always something to be harvested.

We hope that the garden might encourage more people to have a go at growing food even on a small scale. We especially hope that children will enjoy the experience of picking and eating something really fresh from the plant and want to learn how to grow something themselves.

We welcome anyone to help with the garden, either with watering – everyone is welcome to take a bottle of water in dry periods to water a few plants – or to join our work parties which are not hard work at all but very satisfying and enjoyable. If you have ideas of something to grow or ways in which we could expand this project please do get in touch.

The garden is now in its 8th summer and is doing well. If you haven’t visited it yet, please do and see if there is something tasty for you to pick and eat.