On the weekend of February 15th/16th, Woodbridge Town Council’s Climate Emergency Committee organised a Climate Summit.  As the programme illustrates, they pulled together a varied team of speakers to inform and inspire us.

We ran a stall on both days where we achieved some very useful networking and our own local wildlife corridors project featured as presentations on Saturday and Sunday. People warmed to our ideas and  more people registered  their gardens with us.

If you don’t know about this project yet, go to the ‘Local Wildlife Corridors’ section here on our website and sign up!

The Town Council have walked their talk and will set an example to us all during the Spring when we will see beneficial changes in our parks and open spaces as they make room for biodiversity and create a much more carbon absorbing landscape. We are sure the plans will be available to view.

Transition Woodbridge was also in charge of the catering for the weekend. We supplied hot drinks, cakes and biscuits but had to scurry around on Sunday morning when we learned that the vegan burger van had pulled out due to Hurricane Dennis. By lunchtime we had whipped up our own hurricane of bread buttering and succeeded in feeding the five thousand. Money raised from the catering will be used for more tree planting and to fund a host of future projects.

There were breakout sessions and plenty of opportunities for attendees to have their say. Questionnaires and post it notes are being processed and will emerge soon as an action plan for us to share.