The Open Wild Gardens Day was a wonderful success! As many as a hundred people passed through some gardens and as Michael recorded, from Leiston, Colchester, Gt Blakenham and Rendlesham as well as from nearer to home.
Visitors appeared to be more than delighted by their visit and we suspect, learned a lot. They picked up some great tips and ideas along the way for their own future wildlife gardening.
Thanks to Michael for the idea of adding “and I pledge to……” to the literature to give people something tangible to take away.
A quote from Andrea : ‘It was so good to have so many people enjoying just being, chatting and exploring the garden. Lots of really good conversations about wildlife gardening, corridors etc. Some interesting conversations about wider green topics too.”
Thanks to Wendy who braved the airwaves and did a great job of promoting the event on Radio Suffolk at 8.45.
Chris and David went straight home from the Wild Gardens Open Day and built themselves a stumpery for stag and other beetles to lay their eggs in ideal conditions.  Thanks you two and thanks for your fabulous work in supporting at Warren Hill Rd!  Indeed, thanks to all volunteers and hosts who gave up their day to make the event go with a swing, and to those of you who baked cakes to refresh our grateful visitors.
We suspect that Open Wild Gardens Day promises to become a repeatable event. We have proved yesterday that no garden is too small to deserve attention for its work on making room for wildlife so, please everyone, from beginners to old hands, get wildlife gardening and think about entering next year!