What can I do?

Photo: two cyclists near a pebbly beachConcerned about climate change and the environment? Here are ten easy ways to help our planet…

1. Walk and cycle more – drive less. Good exercise for you and cleaner air for all to breathe. Go by bus or train when you can. Never leave your car engine idling.

2. Use less energy and save money – turn off the lights, only boil as much water in the kettle as needed, insulate your home and turn the thermostat down (18° to 21° is OK), install LED lights and energy efficient appliances. Avoid using a tumble dryer if possible.

3. Use less water – this is still the driest part of the UK. Turn off the tap while brushing your teeth. Have a shower instead of a bath. No need to flush toilets for every wee! Install a water butt in your garden.

4. Never drop litter or dog poo bags – litter harms the environment, both land and sea, and wastes resources. Join a litter picking walk.

5. Reduce, Re-use, Repair, Recycle, Re-sell or Resist – everything we use costs energy and uses valuable resources. Only buy what you know you need – food, clothes, gadgets and reduce waste.

6. Avoid single-use plastic – refill a water bottle, take a reusable cup for your take-away coffee, a plastic lunch box for your takeaway meal or to the butcher or fishmonger. Always carry a re-usable shopping bag.

7. Reduce food miles – grow your own, buy local and UK grown produce and Fairtrade products from overseas. Support local shops and markets.

8. Help nature – grow pollinator-friendly flowers, allow wildflowers to grow, plant trees. Have water in your garden for birds and insects. Buy organic if you can – organic farms support more wildlife, birds, insects and worms than most conventional farms.

9. Garden without herbicides and pesticides – better for you and wildlife. Welcome hedgehogs, frogs and toads into the garden, they’ll eat slugs and snails. No more slug pellets!

10. Fly less – holiday at home or in the UK and explore your local area and country. Support the local economy wherever you go.

This list does not pretend to be a complete list of actions to take, but some of the easiest to follow. You could also join Transition Woodbridge or another active environmental group. Transition Woodbridge is a community-led group that aims to strengthen the local economy, reduce the cost of living and prepare for a future with a changing climate.