Town Council Climate and Ecological Committee
In Autumn 2019, Transition Woodbridge were invited by Woodbridge Town Council to put forward a member to sit as a non-councillor on the Climate and Ecological Emergency Committee they had set up to address their declaration of a climate emergency. Jane Healey currently represents Transition Woodbridge in this post.
These are some examples of Transition Woodbridge’s collaboration:
- Transition Woodbridge have set up their Wildlife Corridors project to support the Town Council’s Green Veining initiative that has been implemented in Elmhurst Park. Transition Woodbridge volunteers have helped with broadcasting wildflower seed on an area set aside as meadow.
- Transition Woodbridge have been instrumental in obtaining advice from Suffolk Wildlife Trust and grant funding from AONB for the regeneration programme at Broomheath following a fire in 2016. Advice from Suffolk Wildlife Trust has also been obtained for Quaker Burial Ground which is currently being worked on.
- Transition Woodbridge have produced a hedgerow survey of all the Town Council parks which has been used to inform regeneration work. Transition Woodbridge members have laid one of the hedges at Fen Meadow and created another row of hedge immediately in front to increase biodiversity in the hedges.