Carved pumpkins are a common sight all around the UK at Halloween. In 2020, the food charity Hubbub carried out research into pumpkin use in the UK. According to the poll, Britons threw away nearly half of the 24 million pumpkins bought that year The findings suggested that only 40% of people who celebrate Halloween realise that the inner flesh of pumpkins is edible. The discarded vegetables added to the 6.6 million tonnes of household food and drink waste in the UK each year.

Transition Woodbridge’s Local Food & Drink Project encourages people to buy more locally grown or made products, and to reconnect with where and who their food comes from.

In an effort to save pumpkins (and the huge variety of other squash) from the food waste bin, we’ve put together some of our favourite seasonal recipes into a booklet. You can find the booklet here.

Thank to our members who have contributed recipes: Carol Steptoe, Peppy Macdonald, Sue Cornford, Claire Ling, Lydia Garfield and Monica Brown.

Visit our Local Food and Drink Project page here.