Following up our Local Wildlife Corridors April newsletter on Wildflower planting, here’s a date for you from Plantlife when they are doing a citizen science survey on wildflowers in people’s lawns between May 23rd-31st. Sign up through

This quote from their latest newsletter directs you to an ID sheet which can be used on walks whilst exercising during Covid19 and to get involved in the Great British Wildflower Hunt:

“Dear Wildflower hunter

From humble daisies to spring favourites like bluebells, we know that for many of us, seeing their familiar faces as the season progresses has been a balm this spring. Whilst we are not as free to explore, our daily window to get some fresh air, sunshine and exercise has underlined how noticing the wildlife around us can bring much needed solace.

The Great British Wildflower Hunt has wild flowers to spot no matter where you live, whether in town, local woodland or the countryside. Just please keep safe and follow Government advice on travel and social distancing. Enjoy the Hunt only as part of your daily exercise.

You can take part on your phone or tablet, or print out the spotter sheets and tick each flower as you go along. We’d love to hear what you’ve found.”

Hope you all enjoy exploring and identifying the wildflowers around you. We would love to hear from you with any pictures of wildflower areas in your gardens or on your walks and any comments you have that could be shared with others.

Keep safe and well in the meantime
Love from the whole Transition Woodbridge team.