Meeting Friday 21 January 2022 at the British Legion, Woodbridge

Circulated January issue of In Touch with piece on ‘New Year Resolutions to save money and save the planet’ with advice on energy saving in the home written by Carol. We aim to send a piece to the free papers and magazine each month, Mel wrote piece on refilling bottles to reduce single use plastic for February, Jane has written March’s piece on local Food banks, Little Free Pantries etc. Please say if you would like to suggest a topic or write a piece on a subject of your choice (check with Jane first).

1 Fruit Tree planting and maintenance Since New Year all 70 trees have been weeded and mulched by members and volunteers plus Fen Meadow laid hedge.  Jetty Lane is now planted with collected wildflower seeds and donated perennial plants. Volunteers needed for work party on a bed by the cannon/ Red Lion at 10am, Tues 25 Jan, area needs muck, mulch and general soil improvement before removing some of shrubs, planting others, also snowdrops, bluebells etc to make wildlife-friendly dry, shady garden. Admiral’s Walk planting work party planned 10am, Tues 1 Feb, to plant 3 fruit trees and erect tree fences, more volunteers please. Hilary to make wooden labels to complete the job. Jane is working on creating watering rota for 2022. All trees are watered for first 3 years and in drought conditions. Deb and Jane have looked at Collett’s Walk after request from a resident for trees to add to existing hawthorn and silver birch, may plant more hawthorn. Resident hopes trees to be part of The Queen’s Green Canopy for the Platinum Anniversary. Lime Kiln Quay wildflower strip is to be strimmed by TW. We’d hoped Norse would cut back in October. Hopefully the wildflowers will have set seed for this year. Jane made list in 2021 of species which flowered, Greenprint Forum is interested as they hope to involve an ecologist to study the ‘Pardon The Weeds, I’m Feeding the Bees’areas. Jane’s work provides a baseline to compare against future growth and biodiversity. Carol reported that one of the dinghy planters in Whisstocks place was damaged when moved at Christmas time, now has extra drainage crack but not serious. TW to continue to maintain.

2 Local Food Project Carol reported that Project to continue with larger subgroup – Dan, Peppy, Pam, Helen, Peter, Chris, Jonathan, Jane and Carol. Carol to ask all to set up Local Food Project email address. First task to gather information of new retailers, eateries in Woodbridge and Melton and producers in 21-mile radius so Dan can update the online Leaflet document for our website. Also to ask the businesses in town about their food waste, where does it go and could we advise on food waste going to local Food Banks etc?

3 WTC Climate and Ecological Emergency Committee Jane attends committee meeting on 1st Tues of each month as non councillor member. CEEC is planning a Climate Action event on 2nd & 3rd April in the Community Hall with speakers, displays, demonstrations etc on how to reduce carbon footprint. Jane is tasked with organising speakers around food theme. Carol to invite contact at Hodmedods. WTC plans an event in Kingston Field on 3rd June, MPC plans for Summer Fete on Melton Playing Field on 4th June – both part of Queen’s Platinum Anniversary celebrations. TW invited to take part with stalls. WTC CEEC is monitoring R Deben for nitrates & e coli. Zac would like to be involved. Also planting hedge in Kingston Field (contractor to do work), trees along fence by railway. Charlie suggested involving school children with this.Also planning bike hire scheme and possible car free days. Discussed Car free days In Thoroughfare. Sara would like to work on this. The air in town is cleaner now that Thoroughfare is closed to most traffic for part of the day. Carol mentioned ongoing problem with idling engines in car parks, side of the road which is illegal and polluting. David to follow up with WTC idea of signs in car parks to remind drivers.  Jane to speak to Daniel at East Suffolk Council.

4 Wildlife Corridors/Citizen Science 67 gardens are now part of our wildlife corridors scheme, Zac is working with Dominic on a map showing their general position. 2 groups are now set up to do Citizen Science using data collected from 24 out of the 67 about bird boxes and fruit trees. An App ‘R’ is available to download to make graphs using the data. A local bat expert Mark Bowler, University of Suffolk, has offered to support us by advising on positions of bat recorders to monitor bats. Jane & Hilary to do a piece on Citizen Science for our Wildlife Corridor monthly newsletter on website. Anyone is welcome to write a short piece with photos/illustrations for this slot.

  5 Repair Cafes Our Repair café based in St John’s Church has received £500 restart grant from ESDC following the pandemic (hopefully life is now returning to normal). The money to be spent on new flyers to update fact that The Hub café has moved to St John’s Church Hall. On one side of flyer to list all local businesses that do repairs eg Timpsons, Hasnips etc. And to fund two A boards to go in Thoroughfare to further advertise our Repair Café which has inspired others to start up in Waldringfield, Martlesham, Holbrook, Stowmarket. Jane has visited to advise. Moray told us that Martlesham are planning a ‘How To Repair café’ to attract younger people and are contacting Jetty Lane and Just 42 groups. Carol mentioned that Mike Sutton who works with young people in the Long Shed. Repair Café will be listed with others on Suffolk Recycling Waste site shortly so that we have repairing in between the phrase reuse and recycle.  Greg reminded us of past discussions about a Library of Things such as in Dalston, London but the problem of a base still exists.

6 Foxburrow Eco Fair, Sunday 20 March Charlie told us about this free event to encourage living with care for the environment which also helps all wildlife, hopes to attract all age groups with fun, learning activities. TW invited to take part with stalls possibly on Local Food and Wildlife Corridors. Mike Sutton has made bird box kits with the young people and assembling these might be an activity. Carol to contact Mike.

7 Red Telephone Box of Happiness Jason has not set this up yet but TW to be involved with providing packets (from old envelopes) of seeds. Could be venue for a seed swap?

8 AOB   Carol asked if someone would like to help set up two 5 Minute Litter Pick sites based at local cafes. We’ve had containers to hold litter pickers and bags ready since early 2020.  Jill offered to help so Carol to arrange meeting up to discuss, ask cafes if happy to host a litter picking kit and see if Jill Ok with monitoring this. And Carol asked for volunteer to take over the collection of old pens from collecting points in Post Office and Library, blister packs and toothbrushes etc from Refill Eco and deliver to Poppy’s Pantry for onward delivery to Terracycle. Might be a once every 2/3 weeks job. Ethna and Stephen to discuss with Carol.

More Dates for your Diary   8th February Woodbridge Gardening Club in Quay Church, 7.30 – Weird & Wonderful Plants.    19th February Waldringfield Sustainability Day, 10 – 4 including Repair Café.       21 & 22 May Open Day at Maple Farm, Fellows Farm and Wakelyns farm. Pioneers in agroforestry and organic farming 19th June Woodbridge Regatta TW stall 2nd July Felixstowe Climate Justice March Also internationally, 22 April is Earth Day and 5th June (Sunday of Queen’s Platinum Anniversary Public Holiday Weekend) is World Environment day