In the summers of 2018 and 2019 Transition Woodbridge joined forces with Woodbridge Sea Scouts to remove litter from both banks of the River Deben near Woodbridge.  We were amazed and appalled by what was found.

This year, because of the pandemic and the need to keep a distance from others, the Sea Scouts can’t be involved.

Transition Woodbridge have also decided that we cannot organise a community litter pick on a single day. Instead we hope that members and supporters and anyone who loves the river, will collect litter from along the river bank anywhere between Kyson Point to Wilford Bridge at any time during July and August, as individuals or in family groups. This could include Kingston Fields and the car parks between the Avenue and the Riverside Cinema. If you go on the river in a dinghy or canoe then you might consider collecting rubbish you find in the river or on the river bank (always wear a life jacket).

If you are willing to do this please kit yourself out with a pair of gardening  gloves, a couple of plastic (sorry) bags and possibly a litter picking stick ( available to buy from Webb Bros, hardware shop in Church St)  and do follow this advice;

  • Never put yourself in any danger to collect litter.
  • If you find litter that is dangerous, too large or heavy then leave it but, if possible, take a photo to send with an email to Suffolk Coastal Norse ( giving the position of the rubbish. They will then collect it safely. The same applies if you find fly tipped rubbish.
  • Collect recyclable litter (cans, plastic or glass bottles) in one bag and non-recyclable rubbish (cigarette butts or packets, snack and crisp bags, bits of paper, grotty stuff) in the other bag. At the end put the litter in the appropriate bin either at home or in town.
  • If you can, take a photo of your collection and a list of your finds to send us. We can then put photos on our website, Facebook etc to highlight the problem of litter and the damage it does to our environment. We can also pass information on to the AONB and to Beachwatch. Only include a photo of yourself and your family if you are ok with it being published.

Enjoy your walk near our beautiful river and be happy that you are helping to care for our environment.