How can rural transport have a brighter future?


How can rural transport be made better?

  • “More electric car charging points and more car clubs in villages”
  • “Open the railway that was closed by Beeching in the ’60s”
  • “Rural transport mini-hubs with secure, free parking for cars and bikes, giving interchange with buses and trains”

These were just a few of the suggestions we received when we asked on social media how rural dwellers would like their transport to change. We wanted to gather ideas for our response to the Government’s consultation on the future of rural transport, and we got some really helpful ones:

“Very limited public transport and a lack of safe, well-surfaced cycling routes force people into cars. We need bus services that actually link local villages and towns. Reinstate lost train lines and make existing cycling infrastructure accessible by surfacing it – my local cycle route is not a viable way to commute unless you like arriving at your destination soaking wet and covered in mud.”

– Comment from West Sussex 

“A couple of large empty buses going at inconvenient times to the wrong places does nothing to persuade people to manage without a car. Councils need more community engagement to find out when and where people need to go and look at different models. Maybe small electric rural shuttle buses connecting frequently to the main routes would be an option.”

– Comment from the Vale of Glamorgan

If you have ideas of your own about the future of rural transport, please respond to the Government’s consultation. We hope that as many people as possible will take this chance to speak up for better, greener, fairer transport in rural areas as we begin to rebuild after the pandemic. If you’d like any suggestions, our blog has plenty:

The consultation closes next week (16 February), so please get your response in before then.Thank you and very best wishes


Paul Tuohy
Chief Executive, Campaign for Better Transport

Read our rural transport blog and respond to the consultation