• ESC published yesterday a new planning Environmental Guidance Note Environment Guidance Note » East Suffolk Council setting out the council’s vision for future developments and offering guidance to developers, renovators, home improvers etc on positive actions for inclusion in projects to minimise the impact on the environment. Whilst it is advisory and non-binding, it provides developers and communities direction on the sorts of things the council would prefer to see and can be used/referred to in the course of informing the design of new developments, renovation of existing buildings, design and access statements, Neighbourhood Plans, comments made on planning applications, and general household maintenance.

  • Across Suffolk, 13 different beach clean events took place during Great British Beach Clean. With the help of 85 fantastic volunteers supported by the Suffolk Coast & Heaths AONB team, 1,400 metres of Suffolk’s beaches were surveyed by the volunteers who removed 31 bags of litter: Great British Beach Clean results – Suffolk Coast and Heaths AONB

  • The Suffolk Climate Change Partnership is currently partway through a series of workshops consulting a range of stakeholders in the course of the development of the Suffolk Climate Emergency Plan. As the workshops take place recordings are being made available here: Pledge to climate emergency declaration | Suffolk County Council  along with a summary of the wider context for this work. Feedback from the workshops will be used to guide the drafting of the Suffolk Climate Emergency Plan. If you would like to provide feedback on any of the themes, please download a comment form from the weblink above, complete and return to david.walton@suffolk.gov.uk.