Hello, Hilary here.

Don’t forget its seed sowing time – a great chance to get out into the garden or courtyard, or even to stick your head out the window to refresh that window box.

Even the government advises us to get out into nature and fresh air and what better way to keep your spirits up than getting the gardening bug?

What’s not to like about increasing your food security by growing your own or adding that cheery splash of colour that flowers can bring? And if you grow bee friendly varieties, its win win all round!

I’ve gone peat free this year and made my own seed compost by sieving 2 parts leaf mould, 2 parts ordinary soil (scoop off the top of mole hills if you can- nice and fine) to one part garden compost. If you haven’t got all of these, improvise!

Now for all those large yoghurt pots with lids standing all winter in the corner of the kitchen. Drill a couple of holes in the bottom and pierce tiny holes in the lids.

Don’t fill more than half full with your compost, water well then sow your seeds. Cover according to instructions and put the lids on.

This way, you have created a tiny greenhouse which also keeps the slugs off your seedlings whilst they are at their most vulnerable.

Don’t keep the lids on once your seedlings are up and looking healthy, otherwise you’ll end up with spindly weak little specimens whimpering to be let out.

Good luck everyone, we are back to ‘no-digging for victory!’

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