7 boxes of these little beauties were collected in Dallinghoo for food banks and lunch clubs today. Well done team!

We are privileged to harvest spare fruit in some of the most beautiful spots tucked away in our area. This is Dalighoo where six boxes of plums, two of cooking apples and a handful of damsons were gratefully collected. The majority are destined for the New Horizons luncheon club where they will no doubt be enjoyed in crumbles and pies.
Well done team, precious fresh food put to good use!

Amazing 10 boxes picked today thanks to Jackie, Stephen, Jonathan, Chris and Jane. Some delivered to Ruth for St Andrews lunch club and to independent living complex 🍎🍏🍎🍏

Another great fruit pick at Newbourne in the sunshine. Cooking apples this time, distributed to worthy organisations in the area. Well done team!

Another haul of fruit from Newbourne! Last of plums. Thanks to Ethna, Sue, Jackie, Dan and Stephen 😚 These have gone to New Horizons lunch club for apple pies 🥧 😀 and an independent living complex in Woodbridge 😋😋

We picked fabulous Victoria plums over at Newbourne today – thanks Chris and Maxine!
The trees were groaning with fruit!
We took some over to the Stennetts Community Cafe at Trimley St Mary and dropped some off at Fison House and the Little Free Pantry at St Andrews Church, Melton. There are still a couple of boxes to drop in to The Salvation Army tomorrow, plus we have been giving a bagful here and there to very deserving neighbours of our own.
Well done team!