We’ve been busy throughout July and August picking fruit from around the area, all of which has gone to fantastic homes!

Blackberries and apples went to Stennetts community cafe, Trimley St Mary, who’s turn it was to cook a free Summer Holiday lunch for local kids. Well done Felixstowe Town Council for a brilliant scheme; the kids themselves will make an individual blackberry and apple crumble to take home. There will be instructions on the top to remind parents how to make a crumble at home.  So a win-win-win project! The bramley apple trees were so full of apples this year that we thinned out the fruit, taking away the smaller ones to allow the others to grow bigger. Thanks to Chris and Maxine at Newbourne, for all the hundreds of kilos of fruit you have given to share over the years! 

We also picked greengages after a lady saw our piece in the local paper and contacted us about her greengage tree. She had picked the bottom half and wanted to share the top half with us.  It was well worth the trip! It was lovely to meet her and we were able to take the fruit to Angela, pictured below, who cooks the meals for St Andrew’s luncheon club in Melton. And there is still fruit at the very top of the tree for the wasps and butterflies! 

We returned to Ellie and neighbour Chris in Woodbridge for their cooking and eating apples respectively. They have all gone to Helping Hands, based in Ipswich. They cook meals for local homeless people and the eating apples will be distributed in their snack bags. So good to cool off at the Cherry Tree afterwards! 

We’ve also had Victoria Plums from Newbourne plus a few Bramley apples. We discovered that 28° was too hot for picking! Those were delivered to St Audrey’s luncheon club where we suspect plum crumble was on the menu the following day!

Don’t forget you can reach us at hello@transitionwoodbridge.org.uk if you have spare fruit or would like to join our harvesting team.