Those of you at our meeting in June will have already seen these results and heard Mark’s explanation of them. Individual recorder results WILL be released, but he is taking care to remove any false results generated by the auto identification algorithms, which would be counter productive! This process will be much faster for the ongoing 2023 survey. In the meantime he can provide some general results for selected species.
Each map shows the activity of a particular bat over Woodbridge and Melton.   Where bats fly depends on the type of food they eat – moths, flies, beetles (especially flies for most of the bats you see), and the habitat they like to hunt in. Presence of water also has a big effect. As you’re aware 2022 was the first year we’ve carried out this project and 2023 will build on this information.
Thanks so much to those who took part last year and who are taking part this year. We hope you can feel proud of the part you’re playing to help wildlife in the towns.  Sign up your garden to Transition Woodbridge’s wildlife corridors project through the website at