Times are changing, and we feel that now is the time to establish a more community-centred way of life with greater self – sufficiency and less reliance on mainstream currency. You may post any item or service that you want or need, or any item or service that you can provide, along with the item or service you’d ideally like to trade it for. Alternatively, you can offer or request goods or services for free (selfless service). Please ensure that you tag every post with the relevant topic(s), and abide by the group rules at all times. An ‘international’ post topic has been created for non – Suffolk and non – UK members who can offer items or services remotely (for example, online language lessons, travel hosting, volunteering opportunities and workaways). Please introduce yourself upon joining, and give a brief overview of the goods and services you would like to offer (both now and long term) and what you would ideally like to exchange them with. If you have any questions or suggestions, please get in touch with me or Tina.