Back in October last year, a number of children and families planted acorns with Transition Woodbridge on Market Hill on the Thursday in the half term holiday.

Some children took their planted acorns home and others left them to be nurtured by a TW member. Those acorns have germinated and started to grow so well that they needed potting on into larger, deeper pots.
 If you took your acorn home it might be ready for potting on too. If it hasn’t grown at all, don’t worry as we planted several extra just in case.
If they continue to grow well and we remember to water them if we get dry spells of weather then they might be ready for planting out in the wood in the Winter.
We shall get in touch with all the acorn planters to let you know when Planting Day is  so you can come to the local wood where we have permission to plant the little oak trees.