About Us
What is Transition Woodbridge?
Transition Woodbridge is a community-led group that aims to strengthen the local economy, reduce the cost of living and prepare for a future with less oil and a changing climate.
How does transition work?
Transition works by bringing people together to discuss the problem and then to create their own collective story of the future they would like to see. A positive story of a positive future that then leads on to positive and achievable local action. Transition is not a set of answers. There are no guidelines. No rigid rules. Every community has to create its own vision and define its own priorities.
What’s been happening so far?
Transition Woodbridge is a group of local people who are passionate about our local area. Previous activities have included:
- Promotion of single-use plastic and plastic reduction action
- Stall at the Woodbridge Christmas Fair in Local Food Quarter
- Community fruit tree harvesting
- Edible beds at Woodbridge Library/Creation of insect-friendly nature reserves
- Film and discussion events
- Creation of scattered community orchards
- Riverclean Woodbridge and other litterpicks
- Local wildlife corridors
- Continued promotion of locally sourced food
- Citizen Science Bat Survey
What are the plans for this year?
In 2025 there are numerous activities planned:
- Citizen Science Bat Survey
- Climate Conversations addressing eco-distress
- Further bee friendly flower beds and homes for solitary bees
- Local wildlife corridors
- Continued promotion of locally sourced food
- Community fruit tree harvesting
What can I do?
Maybe you’re keen on starting community planting, an orchard or food-based activity. Perhaps your interests lie in reducing energy consumption in your home, street or a community building. Whatever your ideas, if they’re focused on making our local economy robust, our communities vibrant and our environment cleaner then why not get in touch: hello@transitionwoodbridge.org.uk.